Bill O'Reilly (FOX): As you may know, The New York Times gave the far-left outfit MoveOn a huge discount to smear General Petraeus in a full page ad. MoveOn called the general "Betray Us." [ Fox ]
Bill O'Reilly (FOX): Well, the Giuliani campaign hopped on this controversy quickly, and today paid the same amount as MoveOn to slam Senator Hillary Clinton in The Times ad. The Giuliani advertisement chided Mrs. Clinton for doubting the honesty of General Petraeus and portrayed the senator as a pawn of the far-left.
Bill O'Reilly (FOX): Now we'll discuss the wisdom of the advertisement in a moment, but there is no question the Democratic presidential contenders have a major problem. A few weeks ago, most of them went to the DailyKos convention.

Bill O'Reilly (FOX): As we have demonstrated, that Web site is one of the most vicious enterprises in the entire country.
Bill O'Reilly (FOX): Now the Democratic presidential contenders will not condemn the MoveOn ad, so independent minded Americans are left with the impression that the Democrats either agree with the vicious tactics of the far-left, or are too afraid to challenge them.
Bill O'Reilly (FOX): There are far-right Web sites that smear, no question. But I've studied this Internet situation now for more than a year. The viciousness of the far-left is unprecedented. It is un-American. It is immoral. Every politician should walk away from these people.
Bill O'Reilly (FOX): What the Dems should do is wise up. No American can win the presidency pandering to the far-left. [...] They are seeking a huge change in America. And most Americans simply don't want it.

Bill Maher (HBO): Excuse me, Bill...

Bill O'Reilly (FOX): Yes, what? What is it? I am a very busy man.

Bill Maher (HBO): Well, contributions to MoveOn have gone up after the Petraeus advertisement, indicating that people do want a change.

Bill O'Reilly (FOX): Uh,...
Bill Maher (HBO): And the Democrats have denounced the ad, not that it's important. This is all a smokescreen by the GOP to hide the fact that they are using our soldiers lives to help oil companies make a profit. Ask former Federal Reserve chairman Greenspan. Your whole argument is heartless, pathetic and without any basis in reality.

Bill O'Reilly (FOX): Oh, never mind.