It all started when Eyore's economic forecast got gloomy...


Eyore's gloomy economic forecast was caused by the Pooh Bankers creative use of "Adjustable Rate Mortgages." Now the economy has ground to a halt!


The Republican Heffalumps decided that the best way to fix the problem was to reward the Pooh Bankers for their naughty mistake by unconditionally giving them an obscene amount of money.

The Pooh Bankers were very happy to have been bailed out of their dire financial situation. An obscene amount of money was just the thing to fix the rumbly in their tumbly! They liked all of that bailout money so much that they said that they would like to have some more!


The Pooh Bankers were too scared to lend out any of the money that they got from the Republican Heffalump administration, however. "We're too f-f-frightned!" they said, hiding under their Pooh Banker covers. "We won't buy any mortgages nor make any loans!"

The Wall Street Piglets also contributed to the Eyore economic meltdown. When the Pooh Bankers were making lots and lots of money, the Wall Street Piglets wanted to make lots and lots of money too! So they started repackaging mortgages into something called "derivatives." But now they were broke too!


Luckily the Republican Heffalump administration unconditionally gave an obscene amount of money to the Wall Street Piglets as well! **Phew!**


So now the Pooh Bankers and the Wall Street Piglets were fine and dandy, each with their own obscene amount of money to use for important things like bonuses for those extra special employees. But what about poor Eyore's gloomy economic forecast?


"Tax cuts for the rich!" The Republican Heffalumps said. "That will fix up Eyore in a jiffy!"


"And corporate tax cuts, too!" They cried. "There are many wealthy corporate professionals that need our help!"


"And we should blame the Democrats, too! That will most certainly save Eyore. They got donations from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, just like us! Therefore, it must be their fault! Hee hee!"


So the Republican Heffalumps banded together and refused to help recue poor Eyore unless they were allowed to use exactly the same failed economic polices that they have used for the last eight years...


...So the Democrats will have to rescue poor Eyore all by themselves.